Thursday, March 24, 2011

Preaching on Hell as an act of love?

Wes Pastor (great name for a pastor!) wrote a terrific post for the Gospel Coalition. He is the founding pastor of Christ Memorial Church which is the largest baptist church in Vermont. In his post, Pastor recalls how Johnathan Edwards, himself a New England pastor, warned his congregation in graphic terms about the reality of the terror of Hell. Pastor writes, "Like Edwards I desired to see men made sensible of their perilous state before a holy God turning to Christ, that they might know God’s mercy."

And this is why sinful pastors must preach about hell to their fellow sinners: that they might turn to God and recieve mercy. We've all seen the caricatures of preachers who seem to love the very prospect of Hell. Perhaps you've seen a pastor display a kind of sadistic pleasure at the idea of damnation. But sober-minded, broken-hearted, and God-glorifying preaching about Hell that calls sinners to repentance is a supreme act of love and kindness. However, saying "peace, peace" when there is no peace is a singular act of cruelty.

Read Wes Pastor's post HERE.
My sermon last Sunday evening (The Other Side of the Good News) dealt with the question, "Why did Jesus warn about Hell?"


Karen said...

Todd have you seen this article which was sent to me by someone who wonders about all the hoopla when no one has actually READ the book according to the person who sent me the link. Interested in your comments.

Todd Pruitt said...

Plenty of people have read the book. It was released last Monday. Also, the people whose reviews I linked to (Al Mohler, Kevin Deyoung, Denny Burk, and Michael Horton) received pre-release copies from the publishers. Also, Kevin DeYoung and Al Mohler posted very helpful comments on the troubling promo-video by Rob Bell.

Todd Pruitt said...

And I also linked to reviews by Greg Gilbert and Tim Challies who also received pre-release copies.

Anonymous said...

I will pass that info along.... :-) If you get a chance to read the review in link above would be interested in your thoughts.

Karen said...
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