I just read news that preacher, churchman, evangelist and evangelical leader John Stottdied this morning. John Stott's legacy would be hard to calculate; his impact hard to overestimate. He will be missed.
I'm reading his book Issues Facing Christians Today, and unfortunately, he misses it big on the environment, believing we have a C02 problem, believing in anthropogenic climate change, sides with the UN Agenda 21, and the Kyoto Protocol. Terribly disappointed he like many theologians/pastors are misinformed. I agree with him however that the church has missed the mark by being in retreat on the issues of our day. Thanks, David
A native of Houston, Texas, Todd served as youth pastor in churches in Arkansas, Missouri, Kansas, and Oklahoma.
Todd was called as the first pastor of Metro East Baptist Church in September of 1999. In November 2008 Todd became the Teaching Pastor of Church of the Saviour in Wayne, Pennsylvania.
Following a call to the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), Todd became the Lead Pastor of Covenant Presbyterian Church in Harrisonburg, VA in August of 2013.
He is a graduate of Southwest Baptist University and Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Todd and his wife, Karen, have been married since 1990 and have three children: Kate, Ryan, and Matthew.
"Therefore the Christ who is grasped by faith and who lives in the heart is the true Christian righteousness, on account of which God counts us righteous and grants us eternal life."
Martin Luther
"The Gospel is sheer good tidings, not demand but promise, not duty but gift."
Thanks Todd for posting and letting us know.
I'm reading his book Issues Facing Christians Today, and unfortunately, he misses it big on the environment, believing we have a C02 problem, believing in anthropogenic climate change, sides with the UN Agenda 21, and the Kyoto Protocol. Terribly disappointed he like many theologians/pastors are misinformed. I agree with him however that the church has missed the mark by being in retreat on the issues of our day. Thanks, David
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