Thursday, August 30, 2007

What do you think of tattoos and body-piercing?

Here are some interesting thoughts on tattoos and body piercing from John Piper (Desiring God).


Scott S Johnson MD said...

Interesting...if I follow this scripture(Leviticus)as described I also need to: perform burnt offerings (sorry neighbors), not eat beef or pork, etc, etc, etc.

The crux of the discussion should be, as John Piper describes, 'What does my _____ do for the Glory of Christ?'

I, like the friend in the story, got a tattoo when I was in I was not drunk or high...several of my football teammates had our initials tattooed on our ankles so that when we were martyred on the field we could easily be identified (?!)

Really...what I should ask of myself are "What does my obesity or the way I take care of my body or family, or who I support by what I for the Glory of God. You know...the tough things to admit, the things that may not be so outwardly obvious or historically overlooked by Christians.

Scott J. - tattooed, overweight recovering sinner

Todd Pruitt said...


That was pretty much exactly what I was thinking in regard to myself. I wonder what grieves God more - a tatoo or a lack zeal for the glory of God? What's worse? A body peircing or a lack of zeal to see the lost come to Christ?

I am so glad that Piper did not offer a new law to live under. The civil and ceremonial laws of the Old Covenant served a very specific purpose for the people of God at the time. The advent of Christ brought the days of those laws to an end. They served their purpose.

Sadly, many Christians prefer legalism to freedom in Christ. Legalism is easier. It is easier to give people a law under which to live than to teach them to live like free men and women in Christ.

