Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Upcoming Sermon Series

On January 19 I will begin preaching a series through Acts. The series will begin with a few sermons focusing on the identity and mission of the church. I'm still in the midst of outlining Acts so I'm not sure yet how long the series will be. However, it looks like Acts is going to be one of those series that will have to be broken up into a few large sections. I have wanted to preach through Acts for some time but have not had the right opportunity. I am grateful to be walking through this portion of God's Word with the saints at Covenant Presbyterian Church.

So, here is what I am reading on this cold Christmas Eve morning - A Theology of Luke & Acts by Darrell Bock.


Heath said...

I have that book on my wish list. Please post your thoughts on the quality of the material in the book if you have time. Also what commentaries you found most helpful.



Heath said...

I have that book on my wish list. Please post your thoughts on the quality of the material in the book if you have time. Also what commentaries you found most helpful.

