Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Good Listening

If you have never checked out the Reformed Forum you ought to.

The Reformed Forum is a podcast from some guys affiliated with
Westminster Theological Seminary. Here’s the brief description:

Reformed Forum is a reformed theology media network, which seeks to serve the church by providing content dedicated to issues in reformed theology. … Reformed Forum records much of its content on the campus of Westminster Theological Seminary in Glenside, PA. … As an organization, we subscribe to the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms as adopted by the Orthodox Presbyterian Church.
We are all, for better or worse, theologians. We all have thoughts about God and those thoughts are either deep or shallow, informed by Scripture or something else. Good theology leads to devotion and doxology. Good theology builds the church. It gives life. It clears away confusion.

Check out
this recent Reformed Forum conversation on the historical Adam:

Rick Phillips joins Nick Batzig and Kenneth Kang-Hui to speak about the historical Adam. The teaching that Adam was a historical figure, the federal head of all those who descend from him by ordinary generation, has become a much debated topic. Dr. Phillips and the panel navigate through the issues and underscore why this traditional doctrine is so significant.

Rev. Phillips is pastor of Second Presbyterian Church PCA in Greenville, SC. Nick Batzig is church planter at New Covenant Presbyterian Church in Richmond Hill, GA. Kenneth Kang-Hui has been a long-time friend to Reformed Forum, and he is a member of a PCA church in New York City.
HT: Owen Strachan

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